Philosology: Utilitarianism Sucks

Friday, March 1, 2013

Utilitarianism Sucks

Thinking about refreshing my memory by reading a book about Utilitarianism, I am going to recall memories about my opinions after a class. It was a summary of the major philosophies in ethics, though Utilitarianism was mentioned in a couple different classes.

Utilitarianism is essentially one person or smaller group of people carrying the burdens of strife so the majority is able to survive. There are a few applications to this philosophy or strategy. The convincing argument is a wounded Soldier shoots at enemies so other Troops are able to escape to safety. This is an agreement of one individual agreeing to provide a better chance of survival to others when they know their life is coming to an end, making a snap judgment to decide they do not want to live with wounds or deciding the value of the lives of Soldiers is worth defending with their life. This example of Utilitarianism makes this strategy sound worthwhile, yet it is not.

There are many problems with Utilitarianism. Even if someone wants to sacrifice themselves for the "Greater Good," should we allow them to do this? There is a rational explanation that people should make there own decisions, yet there is a deeper psychological aspect surrounding this activity.

We often think we are free from judgment because people cannot read our minds or know what we hide, yet there is always someone watching. In a group people, the group are watch and make intellectual conclusions, even if conclusions are with out judgment. As an individual, only seeing our own activities, we are accessing and creating procedures for handling problems. In all aspects of life there is always at least one witness even if it is only ourselves.

What does isolating a person to support the greater functioning of the entire group do to a group? Before continuing, this is not about thinking they are a bad or good person. That is a judgment. This is about how a person functions based on what they understand as reality of themselves and society.

When a person sees the selection of someone to be the Sacrificial Lamb, rather than suitable punishment for crimes, how should do they react? (A sacrificial lamb relates to a Biblical procedure; wherein, a village places their guilt or sin onto a lamb and send it into the desert.) There is a level of conscious selection. With conscious selection a person might think, "I must simply not do;" or "I must not get caught doing that."

While enforcing stringent rules, the level of burden to adhere to rules becomes extraordinary creating fear to the extent of victimizing someone else in order to preserve themselves. Overt or inhumane punishment causes extensive need for self preservation. No one is ever free from guilt, especially when codes of conduct are extremely high. Eventually, someone will be punished who was innocent or a basic assumption is innocent people are punished is developed.

Without a clear definition of when some will be chosen to take on the burdens of the group, there is only a matter of time until there is a united effort of self preservation.

There are several groups who tried Utilitarianism to gain group support in a common purpose. The group eventually deteriorates to scatters individuals acting on their own behalf. However, individuals start seeking separation from the group as a defensive strategy.

It is wrong for people to focus on what they want? I believe everyone is different and unique. This makes it possible for everyone to be happy and purposeful. Everyone might do the same job and have similar skills. It is important to fulfill minimum qualifications, yet in an office one person enjoys organizing events while another enjoys going to events. One enjoy talking while another enjoys listening. Together there is a group of happy people who know they are useful in a special and unique way that helps other people feel useful. Unique qualities give everyone purpose.

What happens when someone is harmed? Even though the Sacrificial Lamb is being hurt, after awhile all witnesses become mistrustful. When will the last sacrifice no longer serve it's purpose so another sacrifice will be found to gain group support through malice, hatred or greed? Will it be me, someone close to me, friend or family? There is no way of knowing, yet it becomes important to apply methods of protection.

In current society, younger generations are experiencing severe re-lash to general statements accusing specific groups of people as "the problem." Now, special interest groups prevent people blaming them for the faults of all humanity. Creating a huge divide, there are people who also fight against the divisions between groups, yet as soon as it is not alright to pick on one group another group appears to be the new Sacrificial Lamb of an entire nation.

It is tragic seeing the divisions of political groups, hostile language and hostile actions; yet to say they should not defend themselves would be like asking them to live a miserable life or be hurt. In lesser situations people found reasons to be selective about hiring. This activity of blame could end someone's life in other instances. To see this and not respond or even acknowledge it would be insane.

Already in this situation, several decide to take action by not taking action. It is information and being an ethical person we are above this rationality. However, in doing so are taking risks of isolation. There is also a tendency to want to attack other people for engaging in Utilitarianism. We are no longer united. There is a silent hostility because the only method to break free from prosecution is to avoid being chosen as the Sacrificial Lamb.

Overtime the only goal or purpose of Utilitarianism is useless. It expands beyond rationality and no one finds it pleasant. The only method to maintain a normal level of commonality of goodwill towards everyone is to go back to living a simple and selfish life. There is balance in finding special moments or achievements as they occur.

Utilitarianism also produces a sense of knowledge of knowing there is something causing reasonable fear. Who utilizes these manipulations to gain power or money over everyone else? There is resentment even if intent is to protect the majority and existing society. In a society embracing Utilitarianism, common practice is to unmercifully punish the minority to save the majority, why shouldn't the majority offer the minority of people who benefit from Utilitarianism as the Sacrificial Lamb?

Though sounding like an appropriate solution. It is not a solution; except, in emergencies with no other option. It is a strategic approach. Already dying Solider kills enemies in last moments. An immediate need for money to build defenses requires higher taxes on the poor. Inventors needs money to make inventions and the only people with that much money are wealthy.

It is important to help other people, yet maybe not a whole lifetime. Occasionally there is a higher sense of valor to make personal sacrifices to help people, yet there is a time when assistance is as honorable as placing someone else in jeopardy to save yourself.

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