Philosology: Letting Go of Fantasies

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Letting Go of Fantasies

Fantasy is a huge part of life. It motivates or completely diminishes a person in moments. Fantasy influences us to think of a bright, hopeful future. It encourages us to think about obtaining happiness and a fulfilling life, yet when something interferes with the fantasy it is better to grieving the fantasy; otherwise, it turns into despair.

How many people are encouraged to plan out their entire life? People with standard expectations may want more than what people believe they can accomplish. People with high expectations may fall victim to circumstances. When life does not go as planned they do not miss reality as much as a dream.

In my other article related to a snippet of life experiences a person sees how expectations devastate a person's life. Perhaps a personal reflection on another's life, I believe my friend committed suicide based on unreal expectations. These expectations caused a loss of self resulting in a loss of life. True, a glimpse of fate might have translated into acknowledging he was a threat and eliminated the only known threat. Another thought is not being able to readjust to new circumstances and letting go of a fantasy.

How does a person live a life always being pushed into uncomfortable situations? The expectation and action is a hindrance to finding true happiness. Recently, an astrologer clarified the arbitrary elimination of Ophiuchus. This may explain inconsistencies between people's lives astrology; however, astrology is only a study of constellations which may or may not affect a person's preferences, success, love and friends.

In reality we think, feel and want for what we want. There is no guide to give directions. We think and experience life as it happens, adjusting to the new course and consider potential changes. Perhaps being labeled "crazy" is the difference between being a successful or unsuccessful. Either life is full of potential with hope for living a long life.

Sometimes we place boundaries in our fantasies. It has to be all or nothing. Realistically, when so few people live in mansions or impact the entire world with their thoughts, most people will probably live a good life with family, friends and have lesser known contributions and accomplishments. It is not a reflection on the person. It is life.

Life takes us on fantastic journeys. We do not know how the path twists and turns. Adages, morals and expectations narrow the path. However, everything is a source of wisdom, when a person chooses to learn from life and form experience into knowledge.

Stating the experience became inspirational; a person may wonder what it means. It was an inspiration to change and attempt to do better. Frequently, while in relationships I would think every moment with a person should be a great experience. At the very least, I should not impose my opinions on anyone.

This action forced a barrier between me and everyone. A person cannot fully connect without relaying honest opinions or exposing their true thoughts and feelings. It is a one-sided relationship. One person attempts to find deeper meaning and understanding, while the other is locked up in fear trying to find answers or only wants to have fun. Unable to connect at a deeper level and living in fear, the relationship will collapse.

This was an unsuccessful attempt, yet it did prove a potential resolution incorrect, which is almost as valuable. Another inspiration formed when wanting to go to school, trying to hold a job, defining personal needs and accepting new challenges to eliminate stress to reduce depression and increase chances of not committing suicide.

It was depressing losing someone close to me. They always presented new ideas and approaches to life only to find their whole life was falling in ruin. While this understanding created a paradox, there is also understanding what they said was what they believed would truly help me. One statement revolved around finishing what you start.

It was helpful in graduating from college. Everyday I stayed up late, because of friends or work. Rolling around in bed I had to think about life and where it was going. Tired, I did not want to go to school or anywhere else. Life was fine. It was almost dreamlike. I had the life people envy. Always having a party to attend and friends, yet where was it taking me? Was it too a greater life or a dingy hotel room?

Realizing I started college, I had to finish college. I must finish what I start. Sometimes waking up an hour before class or in the middle of the night, I cried and recalled all the events and emotions until getting up and getting through the day. Graduation verified we would not end the same and recaptured a bit of the fantasy.

It is grotesque thinking of using this type of memory as a motivational tool, give purpose to their life. Even now I question if this inspiration is worthy of acknowledgement. It appears as though people are moving on with life and I was left behind, because finishing these projects was so important. Even after continuing college to a university, regret comes in waves. Thoughts, such as, "What is the difference between dying in a gutter or a high-rise apartment? Everyone gets older and life changes."

Everyone does get older and life will change. Perhaps opportunities equal lost experiences or being so worried about everything prevented me from living life to the fullest. Perhaps being dedicated equals avoiding death and other problems. Perhaps higher learning and education makes people lonely, yet prosperous. Perhaps after becoming old and out-dated everyone I thought was a friend would have left me in a desperate situation. Without an education there would be no way to rectify mistakes.

We never know what would have happened. Forecasts and fortunetelling is a waste of time. At times it becomes damaging. Live the best way possible, knowing in the end we all die. It is inevitable and no life or death can be accessed as better or worse.

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