Philosology: Socially Accepted Lies

Friday, April 29, 2011

Socially Accepted Lies

Ways people lie, include, what they think someone needs in life to make them a better person. We are accustom to lying to be unique or defend ourselves from exposing true intention, such as, men saying beautiful women are intelligent or intelligent women are beautiful. It is part of a game plan to be memorable and dodge appearing shallow.

There is another aspect of lying; wherein, people feel as though words are a favor. They tell a beautiful girl they are intelligent so they pursue intellectual pursuits or tell an intelligent person they are beautiful so they improve outward appearances. While this is functional, to an extent, people rely on what others say when creating a self image as a basis for life decisions.

Beauty, intelligence, creativity and most traits are subjective. In addition, it is difficult for people to assess themselves. Though a person thinks they are doing someone a favor, they might be causing damage. This is another form of gossip that contributes to limiting potential. A beautiful person might be wasting years of their life going to school only to appear foolish.

A general ideal is everyone sees the same thing. People might feel as though someone is sabotaging them through gossip; however, everyone hears and sees similar information. The person is otherwise being kept out-of-the-loop, because no one is willing to be truthful.

There are few actions individuals have against this; however, it is possible to dismiss the information and attempt to compile a realistic self image through measurable achievement.

If a person dates frequently or encounters people taking an interest in their physicality, they are probably attractive. Extremely attractive people report problems with the same gender being overtly competitive or jealous. Sometimes they are accused of wrongdoing. They might be slandered as being promiscuous and experience people avoiding them or calling them a snob. Several of these actions are hostile; therefore, there is no guiding source of information confirming they are attractive. In fact, attract is defined as, "to gain admiration, attention and implies very pleasing qualities." Ergo a person can be beautiful without being attractive.

Intelligent people suffer similar problems. As a person of above average intelligence, people might feel inhibited around them; however, they seem like nice and frequently ask questions. People with obvious intelligence are threatening. They might seem snobbish talking about high grades and taking advance placement classes. Intelligence is preferred making someone feel insecure, shy. Some might feel aggression is necessary to maintain personal worth.

Though intelligent and able to prove it through measurable tests, intelligence is defined as, "the ability to learn or understand from experience." While understanding concepts in a book or memorizing information, the situation developing amongst peers is hostile. Through expansive periods of time, they are not learning from experience, learning information though one mode, yet not all modes.

People mature and resolve personal issues. In college a bully apologized for their immature behavior. It was nice seeing them again; however, we did not exchange contact information. If nothing else, as an adult it is easier to avoid unfriendly people.

This brings me to a final remark on the issue. When people become accustom to hearing the same comments repeatedly, it is difficult to dismiss. There are books and shows orientated towards relationships. One tip is to be unique and memorable. Snub a pretty girl and compliment an average looking girl. This provokes interest to get a date.

This might be acceptable for one-night-stands; however, is someone really saying they do not like you or they do like you. If a beautiful woman keeps hearing she is ugly, she will probably believe it and the approach no longer works. If an average looking woman keeps receiving compliments, she will probably believe it and want more from relationships because she is so attractive. Either way, women stop responding. The underlying premise is to say something they do not hear all-the-time.

Considering it is socially acceptable to lie about so many topics, it is probably better to dismiss everything a person says and try to figure-it-out for yourself. I like it to a degree, because negative statements are dismissed. No one really knows what anyone is saying anymore. I dislike it to a degree, because compliments are as easily dismissed.

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