Philosology: Cusp between Generations

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cusp between Generations

On the cusp between the X and Y Generations, life is odd. Growing up media drew attention to the X Generation still living at home as adults and the Y Generation for always asking, "Why?" Statistically the Y Generation did better. Did they do better because we ask questions?

Growing up, we had a computer in our home. It was inconvenient compared to modern computers; however, I could print assignments and it made homework easier. I remember lending my electronic typewriter to a friend. Computers were not common though typewritten assignments were preferred by teachers. Perhaps easier to read, it was inconvenient to students. This is one of many "why" questions. Why are teachers demanding computer printouts when not everyone owns a computer?

This was corrected with charitable contributions to libraries and schools. Several Computer Companies made it their mission to supply computers to the world.

I do not want to say the Y Generation was more productive. The Y Generation has greater purchase and political power because it is larger than the X Generation. In addition, they were the first to notice information overload. The older generation throws around cliches and ideals that are attached to religions and philosophies that are disintegrating. Quick saying do not make sense, yet cause problems.

A popular phrase is "Sellout." Another damaging phrase is "Free Love." I am not a Hippie. People are caught in a vortex of opposing information treating "sellout" like an opinion poll. I heard it means selling all the tickets in a concert hall; working for wages, or bending to corporation demands to make money; instead of, following the dream.

It is true people might chose vocations to improve the world through concept. Altering lyrics degenerate a vision; however, the vocation of managers is to bands from looking like jerks in front of millions of people. They are both doing what their heart tells them is right. Either being a sellout is an outdated mode of philosophy or the original message is completely lost.

Avoid faulty plans. As a person with self-interests, some of these interests are fulfilled by helping others and wanting a social bias that will help me if I should ever have hard-times. It is beneficial to me and others; however, several people pervert simple wording into whatever solely benefits them. This is why "free love" bothers me.

The freedom of love has become a hostile act to impregnate young women when people perverted love into meaning sex. Then another person claims that a woman not giving love freely is a whore. The fact is, free is a price. Giving sex for free is still prostitution, it is only extremely inexpensive.

A battlefield of words, people are generally saying the same thing, "Give me what I want." There is a huge sense of entitlement. Growing up, even mentioning I prefer a relationship with a mutual sense of caring or liking the person was too demanding.

There is not much to say in this situation. I will not be pressured into doing what people want me to do. If they were pressuring me into something I already want to do that is fine. There are many experiences I chose to avoid, such as: casual sex with everyone. In these instances it is best to ignore cliches and attempt to find a new path through reading, philosophy, science or other methods, because it is not working.

My Generations saw the results of actions. It was ugly. Buying expensive clothes brought about Business Casual Dress Codes. The expense of looking wealthy was limiting people's survival, not producing better jobs. It was outrageous when criminals killed teens for shoes. It became wise for everyone to avoid flaunting wealth and stop wanting for more than what they need. Several people grew from the experience. Several heightened skills to gain material objects only to be rejected by the general population. It should be easy to balance purchases within a budget and not provoke others through slander.

A few years ago I looked at a magazine that specialized in toys and posters for gifted children. It was appalling. It targeted smokers and several groups with a mocking, "I don't have to care, because I am better then everyone. Everyone else is worthless." It would be as easy to promote personal values without demonstrating one-upmanship while condemn other's sense of worth. Convincing people someone else is an awful singer does not make them a better singer. It takes goals, endeavors and personal improvements through practice.

Regardless of instances, it was an issue of life or death to question what everything means. People might think it is silly. Quick statements are unhinging everyone. People are looking for answers and there is over fifty years of United State's History I had to learn from individual studies because it was not being taught in school; including, private schools. When there is a misunderstanding, be able to explain it in a few sentences. Stop using misinformation as a basis for an entire lifetime. In addition, stop telling other people to do it.

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