Philosology: Definitions of Love

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Definitions of Love

Does unconditional love exist? Noticing, those requesting unconditional love have many demands. With several definitions of love the most popular ideal is a relationship that endures endlessly: richer, poorer, sickness and health. Some believe it relates to physical attraction or feeling good. Some want to build an empire and seek allies. None of these solutions are wrong. Everyone envisions the best relationship. This is part of what makes people unique.

Unconditional love does not have an evaluation process. Noticing, those who demand absolute love relay feeling disrespect because their lover was unable to comply with performing additional tasks. People demanding unconditional love should comprehend other person's needs and realize it is impossible to complete every request.

Imagine the beginning of a relationship. There is a dispute over going to work or school. The car breaks down. They must work together so both are successful. Demanding full use of the car for an endless time makes the other person late to work. Both people know being consistently late equals loss of work. Being okay with the other person suffering, because you are more important is not a loving activity. Making personal sacrifices is beneficial because their lives are intertwining. It hurts both when one suffers. They should figure out how to buy another car.

People relate to their partner through fantasy. Expectations produce unnecessary stigma. Perhaps the established person idealizes dinner at six o'clock every day. Their partner is attending classes, so they do not always have enough time to make dinner on time. They knew their partner wants to better themselves before accepting the relationship, yet they do not accept realities in association to going to school. It is easy to move dinner to a later time. An adjustment might stop several arguments and establish a method handling future complications. This is what people in love do for each other. They try to make their lives better.

As much as anyone feels they know another person, they do not. This causes grief and it is difficult letting go of a false impression. Most married people begin to see each other as complete people with goals, aspirations and pasts they did not anticipate. Sometimes they consider divorce. Sometimes they acknowledge this as an opportunity to learn about their spouse, so they can love them for who they really are and stay together.

There are couples who are teams and work in harmony. Both are sensitive to the other's needs and modify schedules to achieve goals so neither is unhappy. It happens when both want to contribute what they can without harming the person they love.

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