Philosology: Sensitize to Violence

Friday, December 21, 2012

Sensitize to Violence

The word "graphic" stems from "graph." This implies a grid or chart. The basic form of graphs are bar graphs or pie charts. Violence is inflicting harm upon another person. Now read the phrase, "Graphic violence is desensitizing people from the affects of violence."

Misunderstandings have given the word "graphic" a different meaning. When blogging or deciding on keywords I frequently avoid using the words "graphic" because now it implies pornography or gore. As a Graphic Artist this fact of life is concerning. Whenever turning a drawing into professional artwork I view grid-lines to ensure elements are symmetric or asymmetric. I do not do much with vector art, yet grids are useful in creating 3D effects.

I would like to use "graphic art" or "graphic design" to advertise my artwork, yet the search will produce several unhappy consumers who were looking for torrid display of physical interaction or blood spurts of decaying bodies. This imagery could be placed into a graph, yet images of hats are not considered torrid.

As a conscientious person I want to clarify scientific findings on graphic violence. Enjoying online games and gaming, it is fun clicking the buttons and putting together objectives to stay in the game. I avoid desensitization while clicking the attack, fight and war buttons. It is only a game. I enjoy the math and science aspect. A person has to evaluate how much they are producing in supplies to ensure they are not losing supplies to win the game.

Some games simulate resources for building projects. A Player needs cash to fund building an empire. In other games resources supply simulations of Soldiers with food and materials so they can survive. A person evaluates most important to least important to achieve objectives. In some games defense is important. I some games cool stuff is important.

This is applicable in regular life. A small business does not have many resources so they have to decide the most effective use of funds. Would it be better to spend more money on product or marketing. Both are important, but there is a conscious decision to either market through word-of-mouth (product) or popularity (marketing). Maybe they will spend $750 on inventory and $250 on passing out fliers. The goal is to make more money so it is easier to upgrade equipment or gain consumers.

In relation to math, most people want to be healthier. The objective is healthier. I need a book that lists calories in food. I should also exercise regularly. I get the book and buy the food. Gyms are still scary so I jog outside. (In real life I prefer jogging outside.) After feeling fit I visit a friends gym when fewer people workout. Gradually, health is apparent and buy a gym pass. It is a unit of importance in devising a plan to have a successful life according to personal values.

The reason Parents should talk to their Children about graphic violence is people should not apply the warlike nature of games to real life. Actual fights cause mistrust and harming another person. Fighting does not make a person seem stronger. Fighting makes enemies and inflicts damage. One day they are hitting and the next day they are getting hit. It is not fun. A person who could have been a friend is now defensive and not likely to want to be friends.

War also has consequences. A person might enjoy the strategic components of war, yet there are real people in real pain. It is more than clicking a button and waiting for results about whom had more defense or attack points.

Most people avoid attacking other Online Players in online games with graphic violence. They will want to wage a counter attack. Attacking computer simulated targets becomes preferred. A Player increases their experience points and the computer simulations do not fight back. They are a method to evaluate their Character. If they have enough defense and attack points they will risk attacking the larger target. How many people are computer simulations?

It is important to talk not only to Children, it is important to talk to Adults about this growing trend. This misunderstanding places emphasis on not looking at gore, yet it is images of Homeless, Injured or Dead on television news that re-sensitizes people to violence.

Many people complain about violence on television. They do not want to see it. It is ugly. It sends out a sensation of caring about other people. It makes people realize even if capable of hurting another person; they do not want to harm other people. Gore provokes a sense of guilt, of being a Monster.

Removing the outcome of violence causes desensitization. Reintroducing people to the realities and moral consequences of violence makes them sensitive to the fact that other people are real. This results in not wanting to harm other people, even if it means walking away. Of course someone who is always defensive and afraid of what another person is doing might need Witnesses to figure out a peaceful resolution. If I was always afraid of a certain person contact with them without hostility proves it is possible to coexist without violence. There is no need to attack the other person. The goal is both people being able to go to school, have fun and work with a new understanding about self preservation.

In real life there were times when flicking someone nose or tapping someone's shoulder is a sign of affection. When becoming a method of controlling or to say, "shut up," it becomes an issue of hateful activity. I have established rules with people to use words for disputes. Any type of touching that is for control or spite is not allowable.

It bothers me someone could start building a game to harm me and they are not even thinking they are doing anything controlling or spiteful. They are just doing it. They are just playing the game. What happens when a person become aggravated and fights back? What happens when a person is so physically abused they give up on life? What happens when people, "just playing the game," are sentenced to jail? What happens when they thought shooting at people is fun and then shoot themselves because they finally realize their actions have consequences?

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