Philosology: Social Changes

Monday, April 21, 2014

Social Changes

There is a functionality of changing society when society no longer functions. I imagine, previous to arranged marriage, people married when it was time to marry. For various reasons, maybe a lack of understanding the importance of a two parents household, arranged marriage became important. This was a good idea and then it became obsolete.

Through many years manipulation was important to ensure marriages were honored. Society created many boundaries to marriage in the form of men earning money and women remaining faithful. This was faulty, yet arranged marriage overrides any idealistic opinions about the best, most logical method to live a good life according to successful people.

Now that arranged marriage is in the process of removal, people struggle to marry. Life is not perfect. When is a person ready to marry?

There is a story of Teens growing up in the same town. They are platonic and are unsure about who to marry. A Priest made them stand, in a line, according to height. He pointed at them. The selection was based completely on height ratios. They got married.

Since they were friends, there was a good chance the marriage would be functional. A few couples celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. Others divorced and had to remarry. It was better then randomly selecting a Spouse. Though it is not perfect, no one knows the future.

There are good aspects of arranged marriage. There is no obvious method of finding an ultimately perfect solution to all problems. There are some aspects of arranged marriage that create problems when people want to make commitments. We do not want to undo past solutions. It resolved other issues. We must observe and find what is ineffective and find a livable solution.

A few decades ago, it was observed that overly defined gender roles are cumbersome. It is true men enjoy working and going on adventures. Men do not go through pregnancy and childbirth. Men want to participate in raising Children.

Women prefer staying home and raising children. After a child is born, there is a personal conflict between going to work or watching children. Women enjoy planned adventures.

It seems obvious. Men go to work. Women stay home. Men know their wives are watching the Children. Children are safe and happy. Men work to contribute to society. The family has money and social acceptance to create opportunities. This assists in creating a lineage of successful families.

Is everyone happy?

Men have to spend the greater part of their lives at work. It might not be until their Son or Daughter is in college before having a regular shift, so it is possible to be home every evening. There is a rigid stereotype stating men like working and doing things. There are strong indicators that men are nurturing and would like to actively raise Children.

Women have the job of protecting the home and Children. It is a good occupation that pays through the success of raising efficient Children who will care for their Parents and continue their lineage. I believe resentment creates a dismissive attitude towards woman's work.

Since a woman should be able to understand raising Children, it is no longer important to seek education or contribute to society. It is only important to protect the family.

This created another problem with society. Without women to police Women, Women can become lawless. Their lawlessness has a consequence. Women feel ignored. There were no Women to share information and create a realistic, ethical viewpoint about life.

It became unimportant for Women to be educated. Women raise Children though natural instinct. Without education, Children become Adults; however, what kind of a person do they become?

Though a slow progression, there is an observable decline in social standards. Psychologist's created many questionnaires and verified theories. After theories identified most children were abused, by at least one parent as a reaction to a lack of knowledge, reporting various crimes became common in the United States. Eventually, it was decided the old system of work and home was faulty.

Initially, the concept of Women holding jobs was so Single Women with Children could support their families or be more attractive to Men. These Women are better. They contribute to society and raising a family. They are also able to protect themselves by making money at work.

This escape plan is aggressive. Now society is fluctuating between gender roles. When observing what is really bothering everyone, it is possible to see other plans.

Thinking about the issue, Women should have an option to gain high-paying jobs that only require 25 to 30 hours a week. This should be available to Men and Women to promote equality between genders.

What it accomplishes is making it possible for a Man to work full-time and a Woman to work part-time without feeling inhibitions. A Man no longer has to work a full-time and part-time job for the duration of their Child's life.

A two parent household has the option for one Parent to work full-time while they other Parent works part-time. There is a Parent at home. Those preferring the old systems of maintaining a family are available to offer daycare service. It is easier to trust a long-time Friend or Family Member.

It might not be the absolute solution, yet it addresses most problems. This shifting from one extreme to another is awkward and unsettling. This is how societies become better with time. Expectations are too high or too low. Without a planning and experimental process, it is difficult to identify problems bothering everyone. Unfortunately, a perfect solution will not by found during my lifetime. There will be more observable problems, yet it could be better now.

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