Philosology: Love and Hate

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Love and Hate

Talking about gender, I believe scientific information to identify unique gender traits helps men and women understand each other. Sometimes there are difficulties placing information together. Men and women are essentially the same, except, a few emotions and perceptions caused by gender. It might seem as though I am picking on men in "Lake." It is compiling information though people fixate on the sexual nature.

Most people have relationships because it improves life. Marriage and dating are similar. After I spoke to a friend, several years ago, they also moved and had to find new friends. They replaced everyone in their life. A friend to focus on goals, a friend to go out to places and a friend to talk to about life.

Adolescence is difficult and more fun. I remember bringing male friends or boyfriends to the house. My Parents usually liked my friends and not my boyfriends. My Mom told my how much she liked my friend by the wrong name of another male friend who I also never dated. They did dislike one friend I brought to the house to console about their girlfriend.

An actual boyfriend and I dated a guy for several months. We spent time in the kitchen, on the deck, downstairs and got snack on several occasions. They never invited him to dinner. I went to his house to sunbath, look around and play video games and was never asked to dinner. We eventually broke up.

The worst interaction between my Parents and someone happened when I invited a boyfriend to the house to look at my room and listen to music. My parents thought he looked like a creepy girl. We didn't date long.

Compiling scientific data about love and relationships, a person is able to observe relationships more clearly. I have found places; wherein, the successful relationship and nasty life experiences intersect.

A phenomenon relates to sexual instincts. Men are frequently in meiotic cell division. Women only experience meiosis twice a month. Meiotic cell division relates to sexual reproduction. Instead of, a cell dividing to replicate itself, the cell divides to one set of DNA to combines with another set of DNA to create a full set of DNA that becomes a zygote. This process also simulates sensations for reproduction, lust. Love is the recreational time and activities with a person for nonsexual purposes. (Several dictionaries say something different. Several years ago the definition was similar to my definition. There is a difference between love and lust.)

Men have upper body strength, a good disposition, a somewhat euphoric state of being and ability to continuously work until exhaustion. Women have lower body strength, prone to hysteria, experience a phase of heightened discomfort, able to work continuously until realizing they need something and attempt to reduce exhaustion while working.

Most romantic relationships occur naturally. There is a sensation of sexuality and hopefully it is between two people who have common interests because of mutual friends, similar activities and spend time together. In this event, it appears they are in love because of physical and mental compatibility.

People dismiss "love at first sight," yet the chemical reaction seems like fate bringing two people together when finding an acceptable human being. Several people who fell in love at first sight remain married their entire life.

Unfortunately, the part left out of "love at first sight" is several relationships ending after noticing problems. Men experience lust at a much higher rate giving them several occasions to realize they do not know and possibly dislike the person. Several intellectual and cultural ideals are not fulfilling. Women do not experience lust as much; ergo, mistake lust for love. Lust being different than love is a reality everyone accepts eventually.

Is the idea of having feelings for someone and spending your entire life with them is an awful idea? There are several realizations during relationships. Though annoying, it is important to realize most of what is known about them is perception. Friends know each other for years before seeing them as a unique person who is different than what they thought. With luck the relationship survives and it is possible to appreciate being unique.

This does not always work in marriage. What if they want kids and you don't? What if they want a traditional lifestyle, while you want to experiment with life? These are major issues; wherein, it might be easier to end the relationship and meet someone else. They really are not able to fulfill meaningful or realistic aspects of life.

Currently, women are known for being the worst at staying in a relationship much longer than what seems humane to most people. They have to manipulate boyfriends, because fate found their soul mate. They have to make it work. They have to try harder to figure out why they are meant to be together. Men also do the same thing, yet realize more quickly through several experiences that they feel lust for someone who logically annoys them or is delinquent by all personal standards.

Life is awkward unless both parties attempt to understand each other better after recognizing they will probably marry someone else. An extensive relationship clarifies fact and fiction. A person never really becomes someone else. Lust promotes sexual dysfunction. There is a lack of understanding and communication to repair the relationship. Frequent fights and discomfort indicate a life of misery.

Cultural gender roles also vary from town-to-town. I spent time traveling to various states. In Texas, woman wears clothing to show she is from a nice family. Women from "good families" wear the same color shoes and shirt. In Utah, there is a variety of methods to show hobbies, interests and beliefs through clothing, accessories, books and music to display interests. Since women are chosen to raise children, it is important for Husband and Wife to have similar values.

In most areas of the country, Daughters go to the mall to buy clothing, while Sons are told to get a job if they want another shirt. In California boys and girls are given what they need according to their Parent's budget. Children need a bicycle and computer. The success of Parents is displayed in how much the bicycle costs. It can be $2,000 mountain bike or $100 bike at the grocery store. Children get a job to afford unnecessary items. Basically, not wanting to acknowledge or comply with social standards might make a child awkward and less likely to meet people of similar interests.

The root causes of human behavior assist in identifying functional and less functional aspects of human life. It isn't meant to be a weapon of condemnation. The ideal is to find acceptable relationships and identify the information that makes most people's lives acceptable. A person might say marriage is to fulfill a raw existence of functionality, yet fulfilling an existence of functionality is fairly good if most people are happy.

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