Philosology: Solid Foundations

Friday, May 31, 2013

Solid Foundations

Suppressed memory is odd. It is also linked to denial and anxiety attacks. There is no determining method of identifying which one is correct to the person who has these experiences. That is why it is important to talk to multiple people who know them. A person having problems is not able to diagnose themselves. Psychologists figure out what is wrong and what to do. Self diagnosis is incomplete.

Dealing with some of these issues, there are several reasons why someone has trouble accepting information. Having anxiety attacks, sometimes it feels as though I will blink and everything will be different. It is easy to superimpose information. An example is thinking about an old friend and then thinking everything around you is a dream. Inner thoughts tell of a horrific reality of actually sitting on a hospital bed. Everything in life never happened. The solution for reality becomes the old friend is an orderly or someone passing in the halls. Their image made it into the dream scape. Sometimes it is difficult identifying which reality is true; however, I wake up everyday in bed and continue each day without breaks in ongoing events, so good enough. Until knowing otherwise, he is an old friend.

This could happen while driving down the road or going to an event. Everything happens quickly and it is best to deal with the reality that is happening rather than adjusting to the reality that is probably false. Do not test reality by driving off the side of the road or hurting yourself. Breathe and continue driving as normal. Sit down after reaching a destination. Focus on what you see, feel and know is true.

In the end, what a person believes is real is a secondary aspect of life. What you know is happening is the most important focus. Even if sitting in a hospital, maybe a latent memory of visiting someone in hospice or brief scene in a film, it might be better than accepting reality. It might not be better than accepting reality.

Sometimes I feel like I am in a comma. If trying hard enough, I will wake up. Except, then I will have to deal with being in a comma for several years. Everything that happened in my life never happened. I never wrote this blog or went to college. I didn't have friends in high school. It is a complete lie. After waking up from the comma, I will have something to do by living the live the life I thought I was living this entire time.

Repressed memories relate to something hidden about life. It is denial for reasons of self preservation. It is also a method to suppress thoughts with association to endangerment. Instead of, remembering to deal with conflict, a person suppresses the thoughts into the subconscious. The subconscious works towards changing a life until feeling it is alright to remember. I avoid hypnosis because I do not want to force thoughts into the open, when repression is giving me the tools to cope with problems. I also do not want false ideas planted into the blank spots of my memory.

Facts can be clear to everyone else. They do or will not acknowledge what they are repressing. This is another reason to see psychologists. It takes a lot of personal comfort knowing it is alright to talk about issues that are otherwise insane in front of an open audience. It is definitely distracting and feels awkward. Normal people wonder why you would need this kind of fanciful construction of reality. I find it is easier to avoid judging other people to stay sane.

There might be a debate about this topic. The people who judge other people are less able to cope when they suffer from the same problem. I am able to write this blog. People might say, "They are trying to cover up the fact they are insane and unable to deal with life."

Dismissing these ideas as opinion and realizing there is a deeper arena of reasons for why someone is acting out assists in dealing with problems. Every time thinking about this or that, negative reinforcements are in mind. Maybe I should be doing better and other people's expectations are making my life feel cheap. Maybe I am disguising my failings by creating a weird reality or acting insane; however, there really is a problem. There is the obvious solution of ignoring thoughts. I am coherent of ongoing events. I hardly ever mistreat people who suffer with delusion.

What are solutions when feeling as though reality is misleading? Grief is a huge problems. People do not like dealing directly with their problems. Instead of facing the issue directly, it is easier to focus on other people's problems. Another option is to create a lattice of solutions through remembering how people look when saying something. This lattice of justification might involve hundreds of sound bytes and brief image solidifying a solution until knowing the answer. Without trying to piece the bytes and images together there is no method to scientifically qualify or disqualify an answer.

It is entertainment. Whenever bumping against whatever the real issue is, a person thinks about something else. During mind chatter, real solutions to real problems might surface and they can begin working on proving or disproving a theory.

As many things in the world that people sight to determine if someone is insane or not, the real test of sanity is actions. If the action involves killing someone, killing yourself or damaging property than it is insane. Find another answer. Harming yourself involves bad or unrealistic choices. Solutions should have a logical reasonable that is doable and appropriate.

A hypothetical example of identifying the difference between insane or logical, even when teetering on an unrealistic premise, is someone wanting to find their real Father. Asking for money to simply to see them in person and hoping the idea is dismissible is fine if the obsession it ruining someone's life. A better idea is to get a part-time job and putting together a plan to feel good when approaching them. It might be important to say, "Hello." The premise of seeing, hearing and feeling someone in real life may or may not clarify any ideas about the situation. Perhaps making a chart of known times and events while talking to people will dismiss and idea. Even if unable to dismiss it, then the process of trying to dismiss or find the truth will help a regression process that is healthy.

I believe new cities were founded by people who had aggressive breaks in logic. They would have never felt grief and became so angry with everyone they bought a new plot of land to build first house that everything else was built around. They wouldn't have felt uncommon amounts of fear to run away and save all their friends at a trailer park in the desert. What would have happened if people did not decide they were descendents of royalty and must reassert their entitlements by founding a city?

Anyone reading my site will notice a common theme. Several things people are calling insane have a greater functionality in life. The blog is not judging anyone. Insanity is as much as trying to shift actions into a productive lifestyle.

Do not go wild with every thought. Sometimes there is nothing to resolve. It could be a repressed memory. It could be grief. It could be denial. It could be denial of grief. It could be anxiety. It could be a repressed memory of grief that shifts into denial while experiencing anxiety. One day it will sort itself out or not. In the meantime, call it motivation. Get motivation to do more and produce more things that will lead to having a better life.

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