Philosology: Unleashing the Subconscious

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Unleashing the Subconscious

The subconscious is powerful. Tapping into the unconscious makes it possible to change people's lives and venting is an excellent method to bring pre-conscious thoughts into consciousness. People vent with words, thoughts and feelings. Being a friend implies allowing a person to vent until overcoming issues. Hopefully, they will return the favor.

Life was wearing me down when attending the Salt Lake Community College. I graduated from high school and college before going to a university. People thought my talent was being wasted. I frequently quit before reaching any goals. My father had difficulties, starting a project and then going on to do something else. Several people felt let down and believed I was similar, if not the same.

Lingering around my room at night and before class, recalling everything around the issue, until realizing all I had to do was go to class. Knowing I was not like my father, it survival depended on breaking the established oedipal complex and self-fulfilling prophecies by remaining focused. It was a torturous process at times. The feelings were often sad, angry or abrasive, yet as long as I went to class graduation would be more than getting a degree. It meant I could finish projects.

The thoughts bounced around in an emotional fun house, yet with a structured goal reaching the end, my life was freed by changing my own self perception. Sometimes my family still fixates on the past and it is annoying, yet my confirmed abilities created internal confidence to know people's opinions are not factual.

Often people have self-destructive behavior. Unleashing the subconscious helps gain control; however, an activity is needed to disprove the prophecy. Perhaps a person feels inferior even when they not meet their standards. Though disliking the person, they must have qualities they wish to possess in order to feel complete. This is confusing to everyone. When people focus on negative behavior, an obsession might develop to solve the puzzle.

Think of a manly man being jealous of an effeminate man. The ability for effeminate man to gain attention from women and secure relationships perplexes manly man. Manly man should not wear makeup and drink alcohol to compete. The jealousy probably stems from a manly trait effeminate man possesses. This could be competitive edge, athleticism, money, prestige or so-on. Identify the trait by recalling disturbing conversations, sights or feelings related to them. If manly man is jealous of money, they should go to school, work hard and get promotions. Then they obtain money; change the self-fulfilling prophecy to feel alluring to women.

Dealing with people is complicated. When introducing change in a company managers address people's fears. The change is announced. Everyone expresses concern over the changes. Then the change happens. Everyone can see, touch and hear opinions about change. This causes chaos as everyone becomes frantic. Eventually, the managers and supervisors close communication so everyone returns to work; however, until solidifying the change an open-door policy is in place so people may ask questions and express concerns.

In business, closing the door is important; fore it may take a long time for everyone to readjust to changes, even if the changer were helpful. People need to vent. If lucky, they will talk until realizing the real reasons for why the person or event is bothering them. Healing begins through reflection. Sometimes it is related to a hidden memory or unrealistic association. Listen, because the information could be related to something personal.

Overtime they will identify new methods to handle day-to-day life or find another approach to the problem. Avoid clever ways to tell people to shut up. These include intolerance of gossip; telling or referring to past experience, and taking away from memories. It is their problem, at-the-time, not yours. Provoking intensified anger ends relationships. Understand they are not prepared to accept realities around the circumstance. Wait for your turn to express concerns or promote and open dialogue where everyone is allowed to speak openly about the issue.

When the conscious is ready to accept latent thoughts emotional aggression will subside. These techniques are not meant to be rude or belittle people. Understanding aspects of the subconscious assists in creating a level of disassociation so the conscious mind is able to adapt without repressing or intensifying a situation. Allowing people to vent without overreacting is the best way to diffuse escalating situations. The goal is to open communication in a way everyone is satisfied in gaining insight and do not feel suppressed.

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